Masters EENI Global Business School

Masters in Montenegro

Montenegro (Македонија) - Masters and Doctorates in International Business

Montenegro - Masters and Doctorates in International Business (Online) taught by EENI Global Business School:

  1. Montenegro - Master in International Business
  2. Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade, Transportation
  3. Doctorates: World Trade, Global Logistics, Global Ethics and Business

Montenegro (Online Tertiary Education) Tertiary Education in Europe.

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Enrol, study online and receive your European diploma from your home!

Higher Education programs adapted to the Montenegrin students and living in Montenegro (Podgorica, Nikïić, Bijelo Polje, Pljevlja, Herceg Novi, Bar, Cetinje, Berane, Roïaje).

Subjects related to Montenegro available in the Masters / Doctorates in International Business

  1. CEFTA
  2. Montenegro-EU
  3. Montenegro-EFTA Free Trade Agreement
  4. Adriatic-Ionian Initiative
  5. CEI
  6. BSEC
Montenegrin students and living in Montenegro can enrol online from home. Financial aids offered for the Montenegrin Students.

EENI can provide financial aids, installments, or discounts cash payments for the Montenegrin students applying to EENI.

Enrolment (Montenegro) will be analysed after receiving the Admission Letter

Montenegro (Doctorates, Masters, e-learning)

Online European Students (Master, Doctorate)

Higher Education for all at affordable prices

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